Saturday 20 October 2012

Zululand, South Africa

We get to experience a real Zulu wedding while in the Valley of 1000 Hills, a beautiful picturesque area in the outskirts of Durban. Zulu culture is still quite strong in a very urban/westernized South Africa, their language is a cool sounding one with funny clicks in the middle of words. We sleep the night with a local family and get to cook (the women of course) and enjoy the local pub (only men) and visit a Sangoma (spiritual healer) who reads my 'bones' and tells me that I am going to get a pay rise, marry a tour guide and have twin girls! We take a walk around the neighbourhood and get invited to a wedding, wow. An older looking couple had been married many years ago in a Christian ceremony  but now they wanted to marry traditionally, so that their own children could marry.
We, the mlungu (rich people), were made to feel very welcome and with all the neighbours and acquaintances for the groom on one side, the bride on the other there was a cow slaughtered, zulu beer drunk and a dancing competition! Quite a spectacle.


The bride on the left!