Monday 18 June 2012

Chobe National Park, Botswana

If you are not squeamish about watching wildlife during the day and then sampling it in the evening, then meat lovers can try  some (non-endangered) local produce; such dishes as warthog sausages, buffalo steak and impala stew. Thanks to Johan, our South African tour guide we had DELICIOUS warthog ribs while in the Okavango Delta.  Bunny Chow is a South African favourite, also popular in Swaziland. It's basically curry inside a hollowed-out loaf, messy to eat but quite delicious. African bush tucker varies across the region among South Africa's indigenous groups - for example, the San still eat many desert creatures including caterpillar-like mopane worms, prepared in many different ways, such as deep-fried or just eaten raw. One of our favourites in the truck on long drives was biltong. The Afrikaner history of trekking led to their developing portable food: hence the traditional biltong (dried strips of salted meat); rusks (hard biscuits) for dunking; dried fruit; and boerewors, where meat is preserved with spices and vinegar. Yum!

Ostrich Steak
a dark meat
not like chicken at all!

We enjoy a beautiful river cruise in Chobe National Park, Botswana